Baobab Womens Project We are here to advocate with refugee and migrant women in the West Midlands, create information and inspire change in partnership with others // Birmingham // Solihull
Our Place Support Helping people make positive changes through Mentoring, Support and Personal Development // Advice // Benefits // Housing // Employment // BAME // Disability // Birmingham
Transform Career UK Community Hub - Information Advice and Guidance (IAG) // Employment // Education // Domestic Violence // Welfare Advice // Birmingham // Solihull
Migrant Advice Portal Online hub to access support and to better connect asylum, refugee and migrant services across Birmingham and the West Midlands / Solihull
Central England Law Centre We provide free specialist legal advice to those most in need // Birmingham // Solihull // Employment // Health // Social Care // Immigration // Asylum // Welfare Benefits // Housing // Family
Ukrainian Migrant Support Hub A gateway for Ukrainian migrants and those who support them to access information, events and services - part of Migrant Advice Portal for Birmingham / Solihull
Electrical Industries Charity Offers support services to those who serve and have served within the electrical and energy industries // Helpline // National
Narthex Sparkhill Our services help many people within Birmingham to be supported and empowered to move forward in their journey towards wholeness and restoration.
Birmingham City Council Household Support Fund The Household Support Fund is a fixed amount of money available to the local authority to support households in most need // Cost of Living Crisis // Birmingham
Rights Of Women : National Provides free confidential legal advice/information to women on the law in England and Wales with a specific focus on Violence Against Women and Girls
People For People Supporting the wellbeing of communities and newly arrived communities across Birmingham // Solihull and wider // migrant // asylum seeker // welfare
Cost of Living Support - British Red Cross Help with the cost of living crisis and financial pressure // National // Food Banks // Bills // Debt // Grants // Helpline
Family Hubs : Birmingham Brings together a range of organisations and professionals to offer early help services, advice, guidance, and support // Birmingham