Unseen: Modern Slavery and Exploitation Helpline Provides information advice and guidance to potential victims, the public, businesses, the NHS and Police // National // anti-slavery // exploitation // abuse
FLOWS // Finding Legal Options For Women Survivors Legal support service, designed to help protect women against domestic abuse // National // Birmingham // Solihull
National Ugly Mugs Support to sex workers who have been victims of crime, linking with information and resources in communities and within the the legal system // National
Women Acting In Todays Society (WAITS) Women only mental health and abuse prevention support service // refuge // domestic violence // counselling // Birmingham
Cranstoun - Domestic Abuse Housing Solutions and Support Available to victim-survivors of domestic abuse, with or without children, needing to access support, advice and accommodation with the aim of preventing or relieving homelessness // Birmingham
Rights of Women Advice Lines Provides free/confidential legal advice to women to help you understand the law and your legal rights // Immigration // Asylum // Harassment // National
Safeguarding Solihull Safeguarding of children and adults provided by a partnership between Solihull Safeguarding Adults Board and Solihull Safeguarding Children Partnership
Transform Career UK Community Hub - Information Advice and Guidance (IAG) // Employment // Education // Domestic Violence // Welfare Advice // Birmingham // Solihull
Rights Of Women : National Provides free confidential legal advice/information to women on the law in England and Wales with a specific focus on Violence Against Women and Girls
Sakeenah Foundation Aims to support and empower victims of domestic abuse. We aim to raise awareness about domestic abuse in Muslim communities // Birmingham // Solihull
The Red Project Practical advice, specialist information and emotional support for sex workers, of all genders, affected by sexual violence // Birmingham // Solihull
Clifton Housing Project // Birmingham Houses/provides support to vulnerable adults from a variety of backgrounds // homelessness // drug abuse // domestic violence // mental health