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Switchboard LGBT+ Helpline One stop listening service for LGBT+ people on the phone, by email and through instant messaging // National

Micro Rainbow Support for the LGBTQI Asylum Seekers and Refugees // Safe Housing // Employment Support // Social Inclusion // National

QUEST- Pastoral Support for LGBT Catholics Pastoral support for LGBT Catholic members // National

Galop National LGBT+ domestic violence helpline

Birmingham LGBT Community Directory Directory for the LGBT Community in Birmingham

Birmingham LGBT Our vision is a vibrant, diverse lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans community in Birmingham

Birmingham Swifts A free LGBT running group open to all // Birmingham and Solihull

Journey LGBT + Asylum Group Support group for LGBT+ asylum seekers and refugees in Birmingham and the West Midlands // Solihull // Information // signposting // support // asylum

Out With Prostate Cancer Birmingham prostate cancer support group gay-bisexual-transgender men.

Gaysians South Asian LGBT+ people alliance/directory

Rainbow Voices Midland based LGBT Choir // Birmingham and Solihull

Ageing Better - Birmingham LGBT LGBT initiative for people aged 50 plus

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