Quit With Bella Stop Smoking App Quitting smoking is rewarding but tough, so it’s best to have a fully trained stop smoking coach by your side // Birmingham City Council and Solihull MBC supported // quit
Solihull Family Hubs App - Google Play Offers support all families in the borough from pregnancy to 19 years (and up to 25 years for young people with additional needs) Google Play
Suicide and Co // Sidekick App Navigating suicide related grief can be a lonely and isolating journey, this app can keep you company – Only available on IOS / Apple // National
App Library: Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust Independently reviewed health and well-being apps to support your health and wellbeing
Ripple Suicide Prevention Browser extension that discretely intercepts harmful searches, maintains user privacy and signposts to free, 24/7 mental health support // National
Solihull Family Hubs App - Apple Offers support all families in the borough from pregnancy to 19 years (and up to 25 years for young people with additional needs) // Apple App