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Quit With Bella Stop Smoking App Quitting smoking is rewarding but tough, so it’s best to have a fully trained stop smoking coach by your side // Birmingham City Council and Solihull MBC supported // quit

Construction Industry Helpline App (Apple) App - Construction Industry support

Side By Side A supportive online community from Mind // National

Stoptober App (Android) App that supports users to quit smoking - Android

Solihull Family Hubs App - Google Play Offers support all families in the borough from pregnancy to 19 years (and up to 25 years for young people with additional needs) Google Play

SilverCloud Toolkit (Apple) Tools and apps for mental health and behavioural support

Birmingham Solihull Health App Online access to help you manage your healthcare in Birmingham and Solihull - Android and Apple

Bright Sky Apple App - Support and information for anyone in an abusive relationship or those concerned about someone. Abuse / domestic violence

Mental Health Self Help Guides BSMHFT Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust self help guide website page

Suicide and Co // Sidekick App Navigating suicide related grief can be a lonely and isolating journey, this app can keep you company – Only available on IOS / Apple // National

Men Who Talk Supporting Men To Achieve Good Mental Health Through the Medium of Chat // National // Birmingham // Solihull

Gamban Provides support to quit online gambling // Apps // Blocking // National

Better Health - NHS Apps NHS supported apps for a healthier lifestyle

App Library: Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust Independently reviewed health and well-being apps to support your health and wellbeing

Stoptober App (Apple) App for supporting you to quit smoking - Apple

Video: We are all in this together Video on staying safe during lockdown easing COVID 19 / Coronavirus

Ripple Suicide Prevention Browser extension that discretely intercepts harmful searches, maintains user privacy and signposts to free, 24/7 mental health support // National

Suicide and Co Supporting those bereaved by suicide // helpline // grief // loss // National

Hub of Hope National Mental Health Directory National online Mental Health Directory

SilverCloud Toolkit (Android) Tools and apps for mental health and behavioural support

Backup Buddy Accessible mental health and wellbeing support app for the police and ambulance services // National

GamCare National Gambling Harm prevention support service // Helpline // Forums // Recovery // Advice // Charity

Babylon Health (Online App) 24/7 GP appointments, instant health information and a range of tools to help you manage your health.

Stay Alive App (Apple) Support app for suicide prevention - Grassroots Suicide Prevention

Stay Alive App (Android) Support app for suicide prevention - Grassroots Suicide Prevention

Solihull Family Hubs App - Apple Offers support all families in the borough from pregnancy to 19 years (and up to 25 years for young people with additional needs) // Apple App

Construction Industry Helpline (Android) Support App - Construction Industry

Babylon Health - Online App 24/7 GP appointments, instant health information and a range of tools to help you manage your health.

Gamstop Free online platform for enabling self exclusion from online gambling // national // addiction // gaming

Sleep Cycle App supports people with their sleep and provides a better understanding of what helps

Baby Buddy app (Apple and Android) Interactive pregnancy and parenting guide // National

Bright Sky - Android App - Support and information for anyone in an abusive relationship or those concerned about someone. Abuse / domestic violence

Togetherall Online mental health and wellbeing service offering self-help programmes

Bright Sky - Apple App - Support and information for anyone in an abusive relationship or those concerned about someone. Abuse / domestic violence

Bright Sky Android App - Support and information for anyone in an abusive relationship or those concerned about someone. Abuse / domestic violence

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