Super Sen CIC Offer weekly drop ins, information talks and social groups for individuals and families that are themselves Neurodivergent or have children who are neurodivergent // Solihull
Electrical Industries Charity Offers support services to those who serve and have served within the electrical and energy industries // Helpline // National
Perry Barr Neighbourhood Network Scheme (NNS) Supports adult citizens in the community to live healthy, independent lives. The Neighbourhood Network Scheme helps connect people to individuals, groups, organisations, activities, services and places in their neighbourhoods // Birmingham
App Library: Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust Independently reviewed health and well-being apps to support your health and wellbeing
The ADHD Foundation Neurodiversity Charity National neurodiversity charity offering support to those who live with ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, DCD, Dyscalculia, OCD, Tourette’s Syndrome // National
The Voice For Epilepsy Raising awareness of epilepsy, building a community of shared experiences and giving individuals a voice to connect // Birmingham // Solihull
Birmingham Best Start For Life Giving you help and advice during pregnancy and the first two years of your child's life // Birmingham City Council // Parenting // New born // Baby // Toddlers
Tell MAMA Measuring Anti-Muslim Attacks - Independent and confidential support service for those who face anti-Muslim hatred and prejudice in the UK // Helpline // discrimination // Race // Hate Crime // National
Birmingham SEND Local Offer Help, advice and information about services available for a child or young person (birth to 25 years) with a Special Educational Need or Disability // Birmingham
Crossroads Caring for Carers Services that help to improve the health and wellbeing of carers and those they care for // Dementia Support // Respite // Helpline // Birmingham
Solihull Local Offer (SEND) - Solihull MBC Services and support for children and young people with disabilities or special educational needs // SEND //
Winstons Wish Charity that helps children, teenagers and young adults find their feet when their worlds are turned upside down by grief // National // Bereavement // Loss
Birmingham Settlement - Little Settlers Activities to support the wellbeing and development of children (0-5's) and their families, parents or carers // Sports // Nature // Leisure // Birmingham
Health For Teens Solihull Solihull School Nursing Site dedicated to Secondary School Age // Feelings // Growing Up // Health // Lifestyle // Sexual Health // Relationships
Maternity Engagement Action CIC (MEA) Empowering Black women and Black mixed heritage women of African descent throughout their pregnancy, birth and postnatal journey // Birmingham // Solihull
Child Bereavement UK Supports children, young people, parents and families to rebuild their lives when a child grieves or when a child dies // helpline // National // Birmingham // Solihull
Health For Kids Solihull Health advice to help your children grow and flourish in Solihull // Primary School Age // School Nurses // Healthy Bodies // Healthy Minds
Ripple Suicide Prevention Browser extension that discretely intercepts harmful searches, maintains user privacy and signposts to free, 24/7 mental health support // National
Solihull Family Hubs App - Apple Offers support all families in the borough from pregnancy to 19 years (and up to 25 years for young people with additional needs) // Apple App
Our Place Support Helping people make positive changes through Mentoring, Support and Personal Development // Advice // Benefits // Housing // Employment // BAME // Disability // Birmingham
Central England Law Centre We provide free specialist legal advice to those most in need // Birmingham // Solihull // Employment // Health // Social Care // Immigration // Asylum // Welfare Benefits // Housing // Family
Positive Peers Birmingham Voluntary Peer Mentors supporting people living with HIV that receive care and treatment as outpatients at UHB in Birmingham // Aids // Volunteers
Narthex Sparkhill Our services help many people within Birmingham to be supported and empowered to move forward in their journey towards wholeness and restoration.
Menopause Knowledge CIC Menopause initiative all about empowerment of people having the knowledge and confidence to thrive in their peri and post menopause // Solihull // Birmingham
Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnership Hosted by Gateway Family Services, MNVP enables people to provide feedback about local maternity and neonatal services // Birmingham // Solihull
Spokz People CIC Long-term mental health support for disabled people and enables disabled people to access effective mental health support // Birmingham and Solihull
TFWM Discounts and Free Travel Pass Transport For West Midlands offer lots of discounts and passes. Disabled // Older People // Later Life // Students // Care Leavers // Birmingham // Solihull // Swift
Help Harry Help Others Cancer Charity Offers a range of emotional, practical and financial support for adults and children affected by cancer // Birmingham // Solihull
First Steps ED For children and their families, young people, and adults affected by eating difficulties and disorders // Counselling // Support for Carers // National
Parenting For Lifelong Health - Coronavirus Parenting resources for lifelong health provides open-access online tips and activities for all ages in worldwide languages / Covid 19
Marie Curie West Midlands End of Life Support // Bereavement // Support Line // Hospice Care // Home Care // Companion Services // Online chat // Solihull // Birmingham
Solihull Memory Singers - Armonico Consort Singing has been proven to help people living with dementia to unlock memories and re-establish cognitive pathways. Build new friendships and boost confidence, helping people to feel more positive and supported // Solihull
Birmingham Settlement Tackling inequality, connecting and empowering people through action, activities, and shared learning to build and sustain wellbeing for all.
Healthy Start: Solihull MBC Advice and support for families with children // Healthy start vouchers // health visiting // school nursing // Solihull Active
Yardley Neighbourhood Network Scheme (NNS) Supports adult citizens in the community to live healthy, independent lives. The Neighbourhood Network Scheme helps connect people to individuals, groups, organisations, activities, services and places in their neighbourhoods // Birmingham
Ladywood Neighbourhood Network Scheme (NNS) Supports adult citizens in the community to live healthy, independent lives. The Neighbourhood Network Scheme helps connect people to individuals, groups, organisations, activities, services and places in their neighbourhoods // Birmingham
Hodge Hill Neighbourhood Network Scheme (NNS) Supports adult citizens in the community to live healthy, independent lives. The Neighbourhood Network Scheme helps connect people to individuals, groups, organisations, activities, services and places in their neighbourhoods // Birmingham
Herbert Protocol: West Midlands Police Online form that is aimed to try and protect people who suffer from dementia or Alzheimer's - Safeguarding / Herbert Protocol
Relate Birmingham / Solihull / Black Country Counselling and wellbeing service that support better relationships and improve wellbeing for adults, couples, children, young people and families
Cuppa Squad Charity that aims to make living with long-term health conditions, such as diabetes, easier to understand, more manageable, and much less daunting // Birmingham
People For People Supporting the wellbeing of communities and newly arrived communities across Birmingham // Solihull and wider // migrant // asylum seeker // welfare
Selly Oak Neighbourhood Network Scheme (NNS) Supports adult citizens in the community to live healthy, independent lives. The Neighbourhood Network Scheme helps connect people to individuals, groups, organisations, activities, services and places in their neighbourhoods // Birmingham
Childrens Storehouse - Jubilee Church Provide free, good quality children’s clothes to families in need. Accept referrals from statutory organisations across the Birmingham and Solihull area // cost of living
Health for under 5s Solihull Solihull Health Visitor Website for healthy, happy early years // Pregnancy // Baby // Toddler // Pre-School // Parents // Carers
Cost of Living Support - British Red Cross Help with the cost of living crisis and financial pressure // National // Food Banks // Bills // Debt // Grants // Helpline
Sutton Coldfield Neighbourhood Network Scheme (NNS) Supports adult citizens in the community to live healthy, independent lives. The Neighbourhood Network Scheme helps connect people to individuals, groups, organisations, activities, services and places in their neighbourhoods // Birmingham
Read Easy National organisation which provides a volunteer-led reading coaching programme for adults // Birmingham // Solihull // Literacy // Local Groups
Solihull Parent Carer Voice Parents/Carers working together to raise awareness / improve outcomes for children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND 0-25).
Family Hubs : Birmingham Brings together a range of organisations and professionals to offer early help services, advice, guidance, and support // Birmingham
Inclusion The West Midlands Gambling Harms Clinic NHS service Supporting people affected by problem gambling in the West Midlands // Birmingham // Solihull // NHS
Start For Life Offer Solihull Support available for children and parents from pregnancy to starting school // Pregnancy // Development // Babies // Safety // New Baby // SEND
Support For Families: Forward Steps Birmingham Information and support directory for families // SEND // Bereavement // Breastfeeding // domestic violence // education
In Our Place Brought to you by the Solihull Approach // Emotional health education and support for parents / Carers // online // courses // parenting // wellbeing
Hall Green Neighbourhood Network Scheme (NNS) Supports adult citizens in the community to live healthy, independent lives. The Neighbourhood Network Scheme helps connect people to individuals, groups, organisations, activities, services and places in their neighbourhoods // Birmingham
Edgbaston Neighbourhood Network Scheme (NNS) Supports adult citizens in the community to live healthy, independent lives. The Neighbourhood Network Scheme helps connect people to individuals, groups, organisations, activities, services and places in their neighbourhoods // Birmingham
Bridges Support Services - Murray Hall Supports people living with cancer and other life limiting diseases across Birmingham and who are registered with a GP in Birmingham
Birmingham City Council Household Support Fund The Household Support Fund is a fixed amount of money available to the local authority to support households in most need // Cost of Living Crisis // Birmingham
Erdington Neighbourhood Network Scheme (NNS) Supports adult citizens in the community to live healthy, independent lives. The Neighbourhood Network Scheme helps connect people to individuals, groups, organisations, activities, services and places in their neighbourhoods // Birmingham
Northfield Neighbourhood Network Scheme (NNS) Supports adult citizens in the community to live healthy, independent lives. The Neighbourhood Network Scheme helps connect people to individuals, groups, organisations, activities, services and places in their neighbourhoods // Birmingham
The Cancer Support Centre We can help anyone who has received a diagnosis and also their support network, and we are here whenever you need help // Cancer // Birmingham // Solihull
Solihull Family Hubs App - Google Play Offers support all families in the borough from pregnancy to 19 years (and up to 25 years for young people with additional needs) Google Play
Safeguarding Solihull Safeguarding of children and adults provided by a partnership between Solihull Safeguarding Adults Board and Solihull Safeguarding Children Partnership
Grief Support - Sue Ryder If you are grieving after a bereavement, supporting someone else or helping a child or young person coping with grief, you are not alone // National
Family Hubs Solihull A place where children, young people and families can go when in need of help and support. Family Hubs make sure that there is support and help for you across Solihull. Based in Chelmsley Wood, Smiths Wood, Kingshurst and Elmdon