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Broadening Choices for Older People (BCOP) Support services for older people...

Yardley Neighbourhood Network Scheme (NNS) Supports adult citizens in the community to live healthy, independent lives. The Neighbourhood Network Scheme helps connect people to individuals, groups, organisations, activities, services and places in their neighbourhoods // Birmingham

Independent Age Charity support for independent ageing // National

Age Uk Birmingham Services for older people // Wellbeing Support // Dementia Care // Physical Activity // Information // Advice // Befriending // Falls Prevention

MACC Care Homes Personalised nursing, dementia, residential and respite care for your loved ones // Birmingham // Solihull

Parkinsons Society // National Information and support on Parkinsons disease

Home Instead Senior Care Independent UK home provider

Bridges Support Services - Murray Hall Supports people living with cancer and other life limiting diseases across Birmingham and who are registered with a GP in Birmingham

Right At Home Solihull Provides homecare, companionship and support to allow loved ones to live independently in their own home // Solihull

Dementia UK Support and information for families facing dementia // National

Solihull Care Quality care to older people in Solihull, Birmingham and the...

Ageing Better - Birmingham LGBT LGBT initiative for people aged 50 plus

iCare Birmingham Meals Community meals for the elderly...

Senior Care Support Later life advice and support - carers, housing

Care Home Selection Free support for self funding people looking for a care arrangement // care homes // supported living // care providers // National // CQC registered

University of the Third Age (U3A) Learning and Social Groups West Midlands

Body Mind Spirit Partnership Community Activities for older people

Age UK Solihull Services for Older People // Signposting // Information // Advice // Physical Activity // Wellbeing Support // Befriending

Reengage // National Re-engage provides vital, life-enhancing social connections for older people when their social circles are diminishing // isolation // loneliness // lonely

Ageing Well Birmingham Settlement Ageing Well has been at the heart of the Aston community sin...

Christies Care Solihull Providing living care at own home // Solihull

Perry Barr Neighbourhood Network Scheme (NNS) Supports adult citizens in the community to live healthy, independent lives. The Neighbourhood Network Scheme helps connect people to individuals, groups, organisations, activities, services and places in their neighbourhoods // Birmingham

Hodge Hill Neighbourhood Network Scheme (NNS) Supports adult citizens in the community to live healthy, independent lives. The Neighbourhood Network Scheme helps connect people to individuals, groups, organisations, activities, services and places in their neighbourhoods // Birmingham

The Voice For Epilepsy Raising awareness of epilepsy, building a community of shared experiences and giving individuals a voice to connect // Birmingham // Solihull

Grief Support - Sue Ryder If you are grieving after a bereavement, supporting someone else or helping a child or young person coping with grief, you are not alone // National

Making Space Specialist care and support services...

Advocacy Matters Provides adults at risk with an independent advocate to ensure individuals are heard and their rights, concerns and needs are acted upon // Birmingham

Ladywood Neighbourhood Network Scheme (NNS) Supports adult citizens in the community to live healthy, independent lives. The Neighbourhood Network Scheme helps connect people to individuals, groups, organisations, activities, services and places in their neighbourhoods // Birmingham

Helping Hands - Birmingham Care and Nursing at home - Birmingham

Omega Ending Isolation/Ending Loneliness. Registered charity dedicated to reducing social isolation and loneliness. They offer Chatterbox, a free telephone befriending service and Letterbox, a free penpal befriending service // National

Methodist Homes (MHA) // Birmingham Services, support and activities for people 55+ enabling them to live independent positive lives

Age Concern Birmingham Helpline, advice and support to enrich the lives of older people// Day Care // Befriending // Volunteering // Dementia Care

Strike A Chord Birmingham - i60 CIC Uplifting and fun-filled music-making activities for people over 50 in Birmingham

Crossroads Caring for Carers Services that help to improve the health and wellbeing of carers and those they care for // Dementia Support // Respite // Helpline // Birmingham

Selly Oak Neighbourhood Network Scheme (NNS) Supports adult citizens in the community to live healthy, independent lives. The Neighbourhood Network Scheme helps connect people to individuals, groups, organisations, activities, services and places in their neighbourhoods // Birmingham

Erdington Neighbourhood Network Scheme (NNS) Supports adult citizens in the community to live healthy, independent lives. The Neighbourhood Network Scheme helps connect people to individuals, groups, organisations, activities, services and places in their neighbourhoods // Birmingham

Places Of Welcome A network of safe places where people can connect, belong and contribute // Birmingham // Solihull // National

Helping Hands - Solihull Care and Nursing at home - Solihull

River of Care Carer support for the elderly // Birmingham and Solihull

Royal Voluntary Service Independence in later life in the local community...

MHA Communities South and West Birmingham Services, support and activities for people 55+ enabling them to live independent positive lives

Corinium Care 24 Hour Live In Carer Support

AmbaCare Solutions CIC Deliver programmes to improve peoples physical, emotional and mental health and Dementia care support //Birmingham and Solihull

Pearl Dementia Support Network Culturally sensitive support for the elderly and those living with dementia

Northfield Neighbourhood Network Scheme (NNS) Supports adult citizens in the community to live healthy, independent lives. The Neighbourhood Network Scheme helps connect people to individuals, groups, organisations, activities, services and places in their neighbourhoods // Birmingham

Institute of Ageing and Health - West Midlands Promote the better health and well-being of older people // Birmingham // Solihull

Edgbaston Neighbourhood Network Scheme (NNS) Supports adult citizens in the community to live healthy, independent lives. The Neighbourhood Network Scheme helps connect people to individuals, groups, organisations, activities, services and places in their neighbourhoods // Birmingham

The Extra Care Charitable Trust Housing and support for people in later life...

Hall Green Neighbourhood Network Scheme (NNS) Supports adult citizens in the community to live healthy, independent lives. The Neighbourhood Network Scheme helps connect people to individuals, groups, organisations, activities, services and places in their neighbourhoods // Birmingham

Mytime Active Wellbeing Hub A virtual space where individuals can access a range of services and support to improve health and wellbeing // physical activity // clubs // sport // Birmingham // Solihull

The Silver Line Free confidential helpline providing information, friendship and advice to older people, open 24 hours a day, all year round // National

Alzheimers Society Offering advice and support for people with Dementia // Birmingham and Solihull

Older Adults Services // BSMHFT Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust services for Older Adults // Birmingham // Solihull

Fairway Homecare Ltd Supporting independent living in own home - Home support / Independence

Sutton Coldfield Neighbourhood Network Scheme (NNS) Supports adult citizens in the community to live healthy, independent lives. The Neighbourhood Network Scheme helps connect people to individuals, groups, organisations, activities, services and places in their neighbourhoods // Birmingham

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