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World Mental Health Day

Every year on the 10th October we highlight the importance of promoting mental health through what is internationally recognised as World Mental Health Day. What is as important is that we are aware of what support we can engage with in respect of our mental health all year round. For citizens of Birmingham and Solihull, this is something that The Waiting Room directory can help us with.

You might be looking for services that you can access that can help you if you are struggling with your mental health, or services that will listen to you when you are having struggles that are making it difficult to move forward in life. It could be that you are looking for debt advice or carer support services, alternative accommodation, or are dealing with a destructive addiction that you want to get away from. Alternatively, you may want to get back into education, join a club, pursue leisure opportunities, find like-minded people or link in with your local faith community.

Having a place to go to seek a way forward for yourself and others can be good for mental health. So, if you live in Birmingham or Solihull and want to work towards making everyday a Mental Health Day, then check out The Waiting Room