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TWR Wishes You All The Best For This Festive Season

The creators of The Waiting Room want to wish all the best for this festive season and the New Year ahead to all that have championed and supported us in Birmingham, Solihull and beyond.

It has been an incredibly busy and rewarding year at TWR seeing increased support, a redesigned website, re-branding, increased networking, greater usage and a huge increase in organisations being highlighted for the benefit of our Birmingham and Solihull citizens.

But we need to keep our eye on the ball as whilst many of us are preparing for and looking forward to seeing loved ones and celebrating this very special time of year, for many others, the festive season can be a particularly difficult time; So please, do take time out for yourselves but also check in on others who might be feeling lonely or struggling to cope for whatever reason.

When we developed TWR, it was with the intention of ensuring that people knew where to go to get the support they needed for the challenges they were experiencing and we believe that for many people, TWR has helped this happen. But at the end of the of the day sometimes just showing a person you care when they are at their lowest point can make all the difference.

All the best and here's looking forward to an amazing 2024.