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Happy Anniversary to The Waiting Room

May 4th 2023 - The Waiting Room celebrates its 10th Anniversary

At Common Unity & Forward For Life we are celebrating the 10th Anniversary of The Waiting Room (TWR). Tailored for Birmingham and Solihull citizens and providing links to over 1000 services both locally and nationally, The Waiting Room, we believe, has been a huge success.

Since its humble beginnings in 2013 as a short list of health and social care services in Birmingham, The Waiting Room has grown to be recognised as the go to directory for Health and Social care Services across Birmingham and Solihull.

TWR now receives around 200,000 visits a year because we believe it works well.

  • Simple to navigate and search
  • Translates to over 100 languages
  • Shareable services through LinkedIn, Twitter, Text and Email.
  • Provides links to other directories
  • Fast exit feature

Thank you for your support

Adopted and supported by Public Health, the Birmingham Safeguarding Adults Network, Birmingham City University, BSol NHS ICB, the emergency services as well as key organisations in the third sector. TWR continues to grow with new services being added and existent services being updated regularly.

Recently we received support as part of the Community Mental Health Transformation Programme. This means we have a Primary Care Link Worker for TWR. This enables us to get the message out to more communities, more organisations, and more networks across Birmingham and Solihull.

Keep up to date with us

Twitter: @TWR_org

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/twr_uk/

Telephone: 0121 2969915

E Mail: connect@the-waitingroom.org