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Cost of Living Support Options

With the increase in household bills and the rise in food costs, many of us are really struggling to make ends meet.

But there are options out there that may help the challenges a little more easy to deal with.

Birmingham and Solihull websites

Both Birmingham City Council and Solihull Borough Council have published web site pages that may be of help with areas of support including help with energy bills, where to find Warm Spaces, who to contact regarding food aid and where to turn in short term crisis.

Birmingham Website

Solihull Website


If you live in Birmingham, you might want to consider checking out the Birmingham Food Justice Network website

For Solihull Foodbanks, go to https://www.solihull.gov.uk/Here2help/Help-with-food

Government advice

The Government have also launched a campaign called Help For Households which highlights what support is available to help with the cost of living and find out how to save money with our energy saving tips.

Debt Advice

Many households are unfortunately finding themselves in debt. At TWR, we believe it is crucial that households in debt seek advice and practical support as soon as possible.

One option is the Charity called Step Change who are there to give you advice on how to best deal with your debt and provide really useful and practical solutions to stop the debt getting out of control.